Friday, 12 June 2015

Staying sane in chronic pain: Having a mental clear out

Chronic pain is a way of life for a lot of people who suffer with it. While there’s a lot of importance in not letting it take over who you are, it’s hard to separate your condition from life itself. I haven’t posted on here for a while, and the reason is that I’ve been increasingly struggling to stay sane in the face of a condition that’s hard to manage and impossible to get a real hold on. It’s not easy to know what to expect, so default feelings turn to worry, worry turns to stress and in time it’s all you become.

This is not a good way to live. While it’s vital to take your condition seriously, and do everything you can to stay in the best health possible, I think the biggest battle is keeping your mind clear and able to function on a normal level.

I had to take a massive step back from everything around me that pointed towards chronic pain, EDS and the illness that’s overshadowed my life for the last few years. I removed Facebook groups from my feed, stopped replying to emails and tweets and moved away from this blog. I concentrated hard on getting a new job, went away on a break with friends, put more time and effort into my other website, and slowly I felt better.

How do you stay sane in chronic pain? How do you keep your mind focused on the light at the end of the tunnel when you can’t see it? I don’t know the whole answer, but I think a lot is about clearing your mind and sweeping aside everything that brings you down. Kind of like having a mental clear out every so often. I don’t want the work I’ve put in on this blog and the community I’ve built online to go to waste, so I will start blogging more regularly again, but I think it’s very important to take some time to try and be you, rather than be a person in chronic pain, and that isn’t always possible when you are surrounded by prompts and reminders.

I was fortunate enough to get away from it all (kind of, we all know you can’t banish pain for a holiday) to an immensely peaceful place and just relax for a couple of weeks recently. I’ve been getting edgy and worried again lately, so in a couple of weeks it’ll be mental clear out time again. I recommend anyone who feels like they are completely drowning to try and do the same. Oh and it’s Friday! So there’s a reason to kick back and take a few deep breaths. Happy weekend spoonies. 

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