Monday 10 March 2014

Snacking for joint pain

I’m having a day where I finish eating and immediately begin looking for the next snack victim. I blame catered meetings and knowing where the treats are kept at work. I was told earlier that eating strawberries is good for joint pain, as I sat at the kitchen table shoving them in my mouth and nursing a painful shoulder. Multi-tasking is key. Apparently the science behind this is that strawberries may reduce levels of C-reactive protein which is a sign of inflammation. Most sufferers of hypermobile joints will know how painful they become when inflamed. I’ve also been trying anti-inflammatory smoothies after exercise lately which I have been quite impressed with. 

Another equally tasty snack is nuts- namely almonds, walnuts and seeds which are high in omega-3 fatty acids and also help with inflammation.
Something I wasn’t aware of before is that an imbalance in omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids can lead to pain and inflammation in joints. Health conscious people who keep on top of their veg consumption will be keeping their omega-6 down, as veg helps to reduce levels. Heartbreakingly of course junk food increases omega-3 fatty acids, so if you feel like your nutrition could do with some tweaking these are good things to keep in mind.
Having hypermobility syndrome or EDS Hypermobility type can mean that you have seriously alter your way of life to help deal with pain and joint problems. Diet, along with some willpower if you struggle with that sort of thing can really help.
Blueberries and raspberries along with strawberries may also be helpful as they are packed with vitamin C, which is good for keeping joint wear and tear at bay.
There is also a vitamin B-3 (some sort of secret vitamin perhaps as I only found out about it a week or so ago) that is also known as niacin. Word on the internet is that it helps protect your joints for the future, reducing the risk of developing nasty joint and pain issues like osteoarthritis. Good food sources for this are crimini mushrooms and tuna, chicken breast, asparagus and salmon.
Happy munching.

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