Tuesday 13 January 2015

5 awkward hypermobile situations

5 situations I have faced with hypermobility.

5 situations that have been awkward. 

5 situations that I fully expect to happen time and time again. 

1) The public dislocation

 'Hi there, can you come pick me up? My hip has come out and I can't move.' This is a conversation I have had on the phone a fair few times. There you are, just going about your daily business, when suddenly your leg gives way and you can't continue. Not so easy to explain to passers by why you are awkwardly half-perched on a wall with limbs at strange angles. It's even less easy to explain this to colleagues when they watch your manager half carry you into a lift.

2) The moaner

Spending a great deal of time with someone who moans constantly about even the tiniest twinge of pain or treats a common cold like the plague can be awkward and VERY annoying. Deep breaths. It isn't their fault. They don't feel ill often, give them a break. It's easier said than done though. What you really want to do is bellow directly in their face 'YOU DON'T KNOW PAIN' and then just get back to your day, but of course hypermobile beings are of the thick skin variety. Most of the time anyway.

3) The 'phoning in sick' conversation

'Yes it is my joint again. No I don't have a cold.' Getting an employer who understands or sympathizes with a condition like hypermobility is tough going. The idea of phoning in sick because you have unbearable pain for seemingly no reason can be demeaning, awkward and frustrating.

4) Getting undressed

Having to ask for help getting jumpers, sports bras and sometimes even jeans off has become a normal part of my life. It's more often the tops, but being found in bathroom tangled in various clothes with the shower running and a shoulder half out of it's socket is all fun and games until it really isn't fun and games.

5) Really nice clothes, really weird shoes

Let's face it, when you have dodgy hips and ankles and are prone to knee pain, you can't totter round in a pair of Louboutins looking fabulous everyday. Comfortable shoes are everything. Receiving some strange sideways glances when your lovely dress is teamed with sketchers is absolutely worth it to be able to walk home at end of the day without an episode of 'we need to stop. Something's come out.'

If you have hypermobility and or EDS, come follow me on Twitter. I tweet resources and bits of my medical story. I tweet about other stuff too! @laurenrellis

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