Friday 2 January 2015

2015: The year of the invisible illness puzzle

Anyone who has read this blog before (and if you haven't then welcome) will know that I've spent a lot of time wondering what's wrong with me. That's fairly normal for anyone who has an invisible illness. Having nothing noticeably wrong means you can't point it out to a doctor or a friend or your mum and say "look at this, this is the problem."

There are so many pieces to put together when you are essentially self-diagnosing. A lot of invisible illnesses aren't properly looked after, especially in the NHS. It's hard to get a referral, hard to get a follow-up, hard to find a doctor who knows enough to truly make a difference. It's hard full stop.

There are thankfully a lot of resources out there, which means the many people who are piecing together a puzzle have some help. It's not always the best way though, but you do what you need to. After another confusing medical appointment last week which left me with more questions than answers, I decided that 2015 has to be the year. This has to be the year it happens. I need to get answers. 

It's really difficult to face up to things sometimes, particularly when it's something like health. Your health essentially is a belonging of yours. It has a mind of its own and if can rule your life. For people that are much more aware of their health, not knowing exactly what the real issue is can take so much away from life. 

For example, I have bad joint pains, urinary tract issues, headaches, sight problems, dislocations, bad bruising, poor immunity, and now bleeding under my skin. Hypermobility- diagnosed. Ehlers-Danlos- as good as diagnosed. But what else? The doctor I saw this week was unsatisfied by what I knew. He didn't think that was it. He was confused and needs assistance from another doctor. Another referral. Maybe the 20th. 

So now the waiting game. Again. But I'm not satisfied with waiting. Instead of waiting, I'm going to get back into heavy research, use my fortunate resources (doctor colleagues and friends) and go back to all of those who have examined, prodded and poked me. I think 2015 is time for some clarity. Everyone who knows how I feel, and there are plenty of those people, will probably have had similar feelings when the new year reigned in. Time for change. Time to try and make life more comfortable, less painful and healthier. I hope those who feel less positive can change that. I hope time. Particularly time that is the next 12 months, can change that. 

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