Tuesday 31 March 2015

10 important things to remember when you're having a bad pain day

1) Think about how much your body hurts right now and how much you have to deal with. Really think about it. Now think about how amazing you are and remember that you fight a battle every SINGLE day but still come out the other side. Basically, you're a bloody warrior.

2) Films, TV and good books exist to give us somewhere to escape to. Use them well.

3) You might be seeing a bit more of your bed than you want to at the moment, but imagine how much you miss it when you're at work or busy with life. Just snuggle up and relax, you deserve it.

4) You can write about it. Just write down how you feel. Write down how frustrated you are. Write down a list of things you'll do when you feel better. Writing is definitely a kind of therapy.

5) It might not seem like it, but there are people who know what you're going through. You really aren't alone. It's worth trying online forums or Twitter communities.

6) There will be a better day soon. There will.

7) Fresh air makes a big difference. When you're stuck inside it can become claustrophobic and miserable quite fast, try and sit in a garden or even by an open window and take in a bit of the outside.

8) Cuddles are free.

9) Remember the next time you are out and about and feeling better to pick up some stuff to make home a little brighter. Flowers, candles, postcards, bright cushions or even giant homemade sign to remind yourself how strong you are. Having a more pleasant environment makes the pain times a little easier to put up with.

10) Just to re-iterate- YOU ARE QUITE AMAZING. It really is quite important to keep that in mind.

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